Community of small rodents in a traditional cornfield in central Yucatán, Mexico.

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José Cimé-Pool
Silvia F. Hernández-Betancourt
Juan Chablé-Santos


A small rodent species was studied in two agroecosystems from Yucatan: (1) a traditional cornfield and (2) an induced grassland. A total of 87 individuals of six species in two families (Heteromyidae y Cricetidae) were captured rendering an effort of  2,544 nights/trap. Heteromys gaumeri and Peromyscus yucatanicus were the most abundant species with 57.5% and 17.2% of total captures, respectively. Highest captures were recorded in the traditional cornfield and the highest species richness was obtained in the grassland. No significant differences in diversity were found between sites (p > 0.05). It seems that the cornfield plays an important role on both the diversity and population dynamics of small rodents because it presents the highest values in captures, density, recruitment, and in reproductive individuals. This may be related to a greater variety of cultivated plant species in this agroecosystem.


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