New historical records of the jaguar (Panthera onca) in Patagonia

Palabras clave

historic presence
Panthera onca

Cómo citar

Diaz, N. I. (2010). New historical records of the jaguar (Panthera onca) in Patagonia. Revista Mexicana De Mastozoología (Nueva Época), 14(1), 23–35.


An exhaustive review of written historical documents from the time of European contact was completed in order to examine the historic presence of the jaguar (Panthera onca) in Patagonia.  Since prior to the arrival of the Europeans there are no written records, therefore supplementary evidence has been sought in fossil remains, ethnography, toponyms and indigenous names for the species.  There is evidence to suggest that the species may have occurred as far south as the Estrecho de Magallanes, Chile.  Although the available evidence is scarce to enable an analysis of the former distribution pattern in Patagonia, at a regional scale three main areas of occupation can be identified: north-western Patagonia, southern continental Chile, and the vicinity of natural ports in the Atlantic coast.  It is known that the jaguar survived in northern Argentine Patagonia and the Estrecho de Magallanes, Chile, until the late 19th century, and was extirpated in south-central Chile during the 17th century.  Probable factors contributing to the decline and extinction of the jaguar in Patagonia are briefly discussed.


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