Behavioral Response of Dolichotis patagonum to food density

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Ailin Gatica
Antonio M. Mangione


Optimal foraging models predict animals will consume more food from patches of higher initial densities. They also predict that when food is scarce in the environment, animals will have greater foraging efforts in the patch and hence shorter vigilance times. As an anti-predator behavior an increase in group size is correlated with a reduction of individual vigilance time. We evaluated Dolichotis patagonum´s (mara) behaviors: feeding, vigilance, walking, and others (sniffing, grooming, resting) in relation to different food densities (100 g, 70 g and 40 g of alfalfa pellet, mixed with 5kg of sifted soil, offered in wooden box) in a field experiment by using camera traps. As a novelty, maras showed nocturnal activity. They also showed an increase in vigilance time when they were in pairs compared to when they were alone, by alternating feeding and vigilance behaviors. When food density changed, no variation in vigilance was observed and food intake only changed between 100 g and the other two food densities offered. We propose that: first, maras are cathemeral animals. Second, mara´s knowledge about patches is critical to assess patch quality. Finally, alternating feeding and vigilance when in pairs, could be and efficient anti-predator strategy in environments with high predator pressure.

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