Temporal and spatial variation in small mammal community structure in a dry tropical forest

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Yolanda Domínguez-Castellanos
Gerardo J. Ceballos González


The structure of a biological community consists of attributes such as composition, richness and abundance of species, and influenced by the temporal and spatial changes, which in turn is reflected in the composition and abundance of species of that community. The objective was to evaluate the temporal and spatial variability of the community of small mammals in the dry forest of Chamela, Jalisco, considering the two predominant types of vegetation (lowland and tropical forest). The sample comprised 18 and the information generated is compiled in a database, which includes the precipitation records the same periods. The data obtained showed that the annual abundance of species varied from year to year, recorded 13 species of small mammals in the area (Tlacuatzin canescensMegasorex gigasSpilogale pygmaeaLiomys pictusOryzomys melanotisO. couesiNyctomys sumichrastiReithrodontomys fulvescensOsgoodomys banderanus,Peromyscus perfulvusBaiomys musculusXenomys nelsoni and Sigmodon mascotensis). Although the structure and temporal changes of vegetation changed differently for each type of forest, the composition was the same for both, despite the tropical forest is richer and more diverse in the lowland species. The community structure of small mammals showed a long-term variation in composition and in wealth. So that the characteristics of the region of Chamela allow coexistence of species making a differential use habitat.

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