The Colombian society of mastozoology and its role in the development of mastozoological science in Colombia.

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José F. González-Maya
Hugo Mantilla-Meluk


In November 2010, the Colombian Society of Mastozoology, SCMas, was created within the framework of the III Colombian Congress of Zoology, an event of great importance for the development of the science of mastozoology in the country. The SCMas comes to culminate a long process of development and history of this science in Colombia by bringing together in the same space researchers, students and those in general interested in the study of the country's mammals. The society seeks to support and stimulate the development of this science in Colombia and in the region, promoting quality research and conservation in the country, facilitating spaces, interacting with legal and academic actors in favor of an adequate mastozoological exercise and facilitating spaces for discussion, growth and dissemination of results.

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