First record of the whiskered bat Pteronotus parnelli (Chiroptera: Mormoopidae) in eastern Sonora

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Martha V. Maldonado Bracamontes
Gerardo Carreón Arroyo
Isaias Ochoa Gutiérrez


Parnell’s mustached bat, Pteronotus parnellii, is found from southern Sonora and Tamaulipas to Chiapas in Mexico. On October 3, 2012, at 18:30 hr, six and nine-meter nets were placed above water ponds in the Babisal creek located in the “Northern Jaguar Reserve” near the town of Sahuaripa. At 19:50 hrs the six-meter net was checked, and an adult male, without scrotum, of the species Pteronotus parnellii was found at a height of 70cm above ground level. The Sahuaripa region in east-central Sonora, is outside the known distribution range of this species extending it by at least 220 km north of the Sierra de Alamos. The “Northern Jaguar Reserve” where Pteronotus parnellii was found, is a protected area and an important wilderness area for the protection of the northernmost breeding population of jaguars.

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