Honduran Moskitia, the northernmost limit of the current distribution of the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)

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Hector Orlando Portillo Reyes


The giant anteater also known in Central America as oso caballo (Myrmecophaga. tridactyla), is one of the world’s charismatic species. It has been mentioned for different sources that giant anteater most northern limit distributions are Belize and Guatemala. The distribution map for Central America begins and extends throughout the Caribbean of Panama and includes the entire territory of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and a minimal portion of the Caribbean coast of Guatemala and Belize. However M. tridactyla is not recorded in the last 100 years in Guatemala, Belize and El Salvador. In Honduras several biological monitoring were performed in the Caribbean and the Moskitia region recorded evidence for the specie only for the Biosphere Reserve of Río Plátano and the biological Reserve of Rus Rus in the Moskitia region. This analysis propose as most northerly for M. tridactyla the Honduran Moskitia region, based in the absence on the most recent check list for Guatemala, El Salvador, and Belize, also literature review for Central America and the biological monitoring performed in the Caribbean and Moskitia region.

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