Mammals Nayarit

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Joaquín Arroyo-Cabrales
Livia León-Paniagua
César A. Ríos-Muñoz
Deborah V. Espinosa-Martínez
Luis Medrano-González


The state of Nayarit is located in western Mexico, a key region in the biogeographic understanding of the Mexican mastofauna. Available literature was reviewed in regard to both, the terrestrial and the marine mammals, known from state of Nayarit, Mexico. Nine orders, 30 families, 88 genera, and 143 species are currently known for the state, with 32 endemic species for the country and 6 at state level. Most diverse orders are Chiroptera (61 species), Rodentia (33), Cetacea (20), and Carnivora (17); with 31 taxa described based on specimens collected at the state. It is noteworthy that bat species almost duplícate the number of rodent species, while both at international and national level, rodents are the most abundant. Regarding the species distribution, most of them have Mesoamerican affinities (53), rather than Nearctic (41) or Neotropical (29). Forty-one species are listed within either national or international conservation lists, including the 21 marine species.

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