Chiapas Mammals

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Marina Rivero
Rodrigo A. Medellín


The state of Chiapas is located in southeastern Mexico and due to the configuration of the landscape, has generated a complex ecological diversity in the state. We made a review of all the literature related with the mastofauna registered in the territory of Chiapas. We found that the state has 207 species, including 122 genera, 31 families and 9 orders, representing 37% of the mammal fauna of the country. Bats ( 107 spp ) and rodents ( 64 spp ) are the best represented orders, followed by carnivores (21 spp ) and marsupials (8 spp ). Of the 207 species recorded in the state, 30% are in some category of protection within the NOM-059. Chiapas is the second most diverse state in Mexico, however, there are major challenges for the conservation of species and their habitat due to the growth of agricultural borders and population growth.

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