First records of strandings of the Minke's whale (Balaenopteridae: Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and the melon-headed dolphin (Delphinidae: Peponocephala electra), on the Campeche Coast, Mexico

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Alberto Delgado-Estrella
Karem Leonela Naranjo-Ruíz


The coast of Campeche registers approximately 30% of all aquatic mammals documented for Mexico; of these species, 13 are strictly marine. The “Minke whale” and the “Melon-Headed Whale” have been recorded in the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico and for the coasts of Mexico there are few records, including live stranded animals. On October 4th and 5th  2014, in the town of Champotón Campeche a subadult Minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata was found alive. Its total length was estimated between 4-5 m, and it was returned alive offshore. On the other hand, on July 8th , 2017, the stranding of a Peponocephala electra was recorded at Punta Xen, Municipality of Champoton, Campeche. The organism was buried on the beach in accordance with the PROFEPA procedures. There were only previous records of strandings and sightings of these two species in the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico and one stranding of a B. acutorostrata calf in Celestún Yucatán, afterward these are the first records for the Campeche coast for both species, which is important as a contribution to the diversity of aquatic mammals for both the Campeche state and the southern Gulf of Mexico.

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Author Biographies

Alberto Delgado-Estrella, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen. Universidad Autónoma del Carmen. Calle 56 N° 4, Ciudad del Carmen 24180, Campeche, México

Profesor-Investigador TC B, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, UNACAR.

Karem Leonela Naranjo-Ruíz, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen. Universidad Autónoma del Carmen. Calle 56 N° 4, Ciudad del Carmen 24180, Campeche, México

Estudiante Programa educativo Biología marina

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