Nicaraguan squirrels (RODENTIA, SCIURIDAE)

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Arnulfo Medina-Fitoria
José Martínez-Fonseca
Allan Gutiérrez
Eric van den Berghe
Orlando Jarquín
Yuri Aguirre
Milton Salazar
Silvia Robleto
Nelson Toval
Marvin Tórrez
Fabricio Díaz


The updated richness, taxonomy, and distribution of Nicaraguan squirrels includes three genera and six species: Glaucomys volans, Microsciurus alfari, Sciurus deppei, Sciurus granatensis, Sciurus richmondi and Sciurus variegatoides. Glaucomys volans is typical of northern pine forest; S. deppei of northen mountains and Caribbean forest; three are restricted to  Caribbean forest, M. alfari, S. granatensis and S. richmondi; whereas S. variegatoides is found throughout Nicaragua with  six subespecies: S. variegatoides dorsalis pacific and central zone; S. variegatoides adolphei northeast; S. variegatoides underwoodi y S. variegatoides boothiae north; S. variegatoides belti and S. variegatoides thomasi is found on Caribbean slope. Sciurus richmondi and the subspecies S. variegatoides adolphei are endemic to Nicaragua. Microsciurus alfari and S. granatensis have their northernmost distributional limit in Southeastern Nicaragua, while the southern limit G. volans is in Northern Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan red list contains: S. richmondi and G. volans as endangered and M. alfari and S. richmondi as near endangered.

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