New record of margay (Leopardus wiedii) in Nayarit, Mexico

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Víctor H. Luja
María G. Zamudio


Of the six species of wild cats that inhabit Mexico, it is the margay or tigrillo (Leopardus wiedii) one of the least information available. In Nayarit, there is no information on its distribution at the state level with only two records for this species. As part of a pilot study in La Montaña Encantada natural park, municipality of Xalisco, Nayarit, four records of margay were obtained. One photograph was obtained in a dry stream surrounded by tropical deciduous forest, while the other three were taken on a dirt road from an oak forest. This road was also used by people on foot and by vehicle. Three of the four images corresponded to the same individual, while the fourth could not be identified because the picture shows the left side of the organism. In addition to the loss of natural habitat, feral cats and dogs were detected, which represents a danger for the permanence of this species in the area. The records of this work confirm the presence of the margay in the state, represents the first record for the Municipality of Xalisco, and extend its known distribution 83.7 km to the southwest and 43.7 km to the southeast of the previous records.

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