New record of sextuple birth of Desmarest’s hutia, Capromys pilorides (Rodentia: Capromyidae), in Cuba

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Seriocha Amaro-Valdés
Edilberto M. Garcés-Ramírez
Milagros Cordero-Arcia
Ernesto Hernández-Pérez


The Conga or Desmarest's hutia, Capromys pilorides, is the largest endemic capromyid rodent in the West Indies, distributed throughout the Cuban archipelago. With four recognized subspecies, the Conga is one of the two Cuban polytypical species of hutias and is not threatened. Conga hutia is the best know biologically, both in nature and captivity, particularly regarding its reproduction. We are herein recording a new six-brood captivity parturition of the Conga hutia confirming a maximum litter size for the species. Some aspects of the parturition and new-born diet provided are mentioned, as well as the probable causes of the differences between number of the embryos and litter size in Cuban hutias in nature and captivity. A captive breeding plan for the Conga hutia is recommended as an important alternative to obtain information on its ethology, and reproductive biology, favoring the necessary decrease in the hunting of its natural populations.

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Seriocha Amaro-Valdés, Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, Carretera Varona, No. 11835, entre Oriente y Lindero, Reparto Parajón, Municipio Boyeros, La Habana 19, 11900, Cuba.

Investigador Agregado. Subdirección Colecciones Zoológicas

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