First record of the Van Gelder’s bat (Bauerus dubiaquercus) in the state of Tabasco, Mexico

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Rodrigo García Morales
Víctor Manuel Santiago-Plata
Freddy Pérez-Garduza
Elizabeth Pérez-Netzahual
María Cristina Ricardez-Ines


The southern desert bat (Bauerus dubiaquercus) it’s a little known species. There is little information about its distribution in Mexico, with sporadic records in the states of Campeche, Guerrero, Nayarit, Quintana Roo and Veracruz. In September 2017, an individual of B. dubiaquercus was captured and photographed in the Ejido Niños Héroes, municipality of Tenosique de Pino Suarez, Tabasco, Mexico. This is located within the protected natural area Cañon del Usumacinta and represents the first documented record in Tabasco of the species and the most recent in the southeast region of Mexico, thus contributing to the knowledge of the species.

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