Record of predation of (Chaetodipus spinatus) by (Peromyscus gambelii) in the Sierra Cucapá, Baja California, Mexico

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Julio César Hernández Hernández
Álvaro Monter-Pozos


Rodents are species with mainly herbivorous eating habits, although occasionally feed on invertebrates or fungi. However, predation between species of the same order has not been reported. During the monitoring of mastofauna in the Sierra Cucapá, Baja California, an adult female of Peromyscus gambelii was captured with another adult female of Chaetodipus spinatus dead within the same trap, which was found with signs of having been predated. This information indicates a clear antagonistic relationship between both species. We show the first documented study of predation for these two species of rodents in Mexico.

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