Nocturnal activity of Artibeus planirostris and A. lituratus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), during two moon phases, in a locality from the Venezuelan Andes

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José M. Hoyos-Díaz
Mariana Muñoz-Romo


The study of the active phase of animals allows us to describe their activity patterns. It has been postulated that differences between these patterns lead to the coexistence of ecologically similar species, by reducing competition. Moonlight has been postulated as one of the environmental factors that affects the activity patterns in nocturnal organisms. The activity of the frugivorous bats Artibeus planirostris and A. lituratus was studied based on captures during periods of contrasting moonlight intensity in a secondary forest patch in Mérida, Venezuela. The goal of this study was to determine whether nocturnal activity was affected by moonlight by describing and comparing the activity patterns of these bats. Since they are ecologically similar species, it would be expected to find different activity patterns that would allow them to coexist. No differences were found in bats’ activity, and overall individuals of both species were captured throughout the night. However, A. planirostris tends to be more active before midnight, and A. lituratus after midnight, during dark nights (new moon). Bats’ activity would be affected by moonlight because: (1) more individuals were captured on dark nights than on bright nights, and (2) this activity began an hour later at dusk and was restricted until midnight during full moon. Our observations suggest that, under the studied conditions, species with similar ecological profiles tend to differ in their activity patterns, but a detailed study of their diet is essential to conclude on specific mechanisms to reduce competition.

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