Mexican prairie dog (Cynomys mexicanus) in Zacatecas, México

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Dino Ulises González Uribe
Héctor Darío González López
Irasema del Rosario Malacara Herrera
José Isidro Uvalle Sauceda


Currently, the geographic range of Cynomys mexicanus is restricted to the states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and San Luis Potosi, where there are active colonies of the species categorized as endangered, it´s stated that there is active colonies in Zacatecas. The objective of the study was to validate the presence of C. mexicanus in the historical distribution range in Zacatecas through literature review, geographic databases, consultation in ChatGPT® and field trips. The results showed translocations of the species in Tanque Nuevo with 98.30 ac, in Concepcion del Oro with 8.45 ac and Cienega de Rocamontes with 4.82 ac, all in Zacatecas. The first is isolated and an average of 65.73 ac from the active colonies of San Luis Potosi and more than 22.37 mi from Concepcion del Oro and Cienega de Rocamontes. The latter are separated by 0.78 mi and more than 37.28 mi from the San Luis Potosi active colonies. The Mojonera Protected Natural Area has more than 90 % of its surface in San Luis Potosi and the remainder in Zacatecas, the active colonies in the vicinity of the protected natural area were some of San Luis Potosi and not Zacatecas, that is, there was geographical confusion in the interpretation of the records of the studies found. The ChatGPT® query gave erroneous information, its information sources were 100 % false and the geographical locations given were more than 62.14 mi away from the translocations in Zacatecas.

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Author Biographies

Dino Ulises González Uribe, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro

Departamento de Estadística y Cálculo

José Isidro Uvalle Sauceda, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Ciencias Forestales

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