The connectivity of 16 protected areas and their biological corridors in the western region of Honduras was evaluated, using the puma (Puma concolor) as an indicator species. The landscape metrics used to measure connectivity were the Connectivity Integrity Index (IIC), the Probability of Connectivity (PC) and the Modularity (Mod). The results showed 131 fragments and 345 links with low probability of connectivity for this species. The best connectivity between protected areas and corridors for the movement of the puma, according to the metrics used, were Celaque National Park (PN) and Opalaca Biological Reserve (RB) protected areas. The areas that showed low IIC and PC are: Cerro Azul PN, Copán Ruinas Archaeological Park (PA), Erapuca Wildlife Refuge (RVS), Montecristo PN, Güisayote RB and El Pital. The conservation of the puma depends mainly on maintaining protected areas, biological corridors, as well as the use of other unprotected areas that help maintain the integrity and faunal composition in western Honduras.
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