Expansion of the distribution of three carnivores in northwest Mexico.

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Horacio V. Barcénas
Yamel Rubio–Rocha
Edith Nájera–Solís
Leonardo J. López Damían
Rodrigo Medellín Legorreta


We report new localities in 2006 and 2008 for three carnivore species from sarcocaule and microphythic desert scrub at the Sierra Seri, Sonora and from croplands Norwest Coastal Plains region, Sinaloa, extending their known distribution ranges.  Species were identified through visual recognition of pictures.  The presence of these species can be explained by two different mutually exclusive hypotheses: first, that the species has been historically present and were not recorded earlier; and second, that these species have just recently dispersed into the coastal zone.  We strongly support the first hypothesis.  The relevance of this note stands in the fact that it gives elements to extend the map of distribution for each of these species more than 100 km to the West; this pinpoints the need for continuing conducting biological inventories in the many unexplored areas at Norwest Mexico.

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