In Honduras, forest fire has affected 17 of the 18 departments except for the Bay Islands, according to the Forest Conservation Institute (ICF). Arsonists are the main cause, representing 81.6 %, which have affected at least 172,372 ha of pine and mixed pine forest, a habitat of a rich diversity, becoming highly threatened and vulnerable ecosystems. Among the affected species are mammals that use these ecosystems as habitats and corridors. We created a map with 3,130 hot spots that represent forest fires from May 2023 to May 2024, using the Fire Radioactive Power (FRP) value, which helps identify the areas of greatest intensity and size of forest fires. Francisco Morazán, Olancho and Comayagua were the departments with the highest levels of FRP. According to records from different biological monitoring, the pine forest throughout its distribution provides habitat for at least 29 medium and large mammals, demonstrating its importance as landscape links, refuge and nesting sites and high ecological functionality. The pine and mixed pine forests have shown high biological diversity reporting more than 150 species of amphibians, 204 species of reptiles, 350 species of birds and 202 mammals. It is essential to implement the ICF's National Forest Fire Protection Plan, promoting the participation of local communities to combat forest fires for the benefit of biodiversity in Honduras and Mesoamerica. participation.
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