The diet of peccaries (Pecari tajacu and Tayassu pecari) in the Calakmul region, Campeche, Mexico

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Sadao Perez-Cortez
Rafael Reyna-Hurtado


We determined the main components as well as seasonal differences on the diet of Tayassu pecari and Pecari tajacu in the Calakmul Region in Southern Mexico. Analyses of 22 stomach contents of P. tajacu revealed that this species consume more fruits (57.9 %) than leaves (30.1). From 37 plant species found to be consumed by P. tajacu, the dominant species were: Brosimum alicastrum, Manilkara zapota, Pipper amalago, Zea maiz and an unidentified species. We analyzed nine stomach contents and 16 feces of T. pecari and found that he feeds on 41 species of plants where the main components were fruits too (81.2 % on stomach and 66.8 % on feces). The main species consumed by T. pecari were B. alicastrum, Chamaedorea sp, M. zapota, Mimosa sp, P. amalago and one unidentified species. Despite both peccary species shared 32 species on their diet, their feeding niche was not significant overlapped. Collared peccary and white-lipped peccary are playing a seed predator role for several of the species on which they feed upon. 

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