Phylogenetic relationships of Calomys sorellus complex (Rodentia: Cricetidae), with the description of two new species

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Horacio Zeballos P.
Eduardo Palma R.
Pablo A. Marquet
Gerardo Ceballos González


We reviewed the phylogenetic relationships of forms assigned to Calomys sorellus based on the Cytochrome b gene sequences and morphological comparisons. We present the first description of the evolutionary relationships within the C. sorellus species complex. The results show a clade with species from lowlands of Eastern of Andes and other clade with Andean species which contains: C. musculinus, C. sorellus and C. lepidus which would be species complex. One of the new species occurs in the Atiquipa Lomas in the coastal desert of southern Peru, and other on the occidental slope of southern Peru in Arequipa and Moquegua. These new species are based upon considering their phenotypic characteristics (size, coloration, pelage), geographic distribution, and molecular phylogeny.

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