Focus and Scope

The Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología, nueva época (RMM) has been created with the main objective of serving as a dissemination tool through which specialists in Mexican mammals have a forum in which the advances of high-quality research in the area are disclosed. This objective has been successfully achieved since its dissemination has crossed the borders of our country, receiving publications of quality and originality and permeating Latin America. The RMM has grown enormously in the scientific quality of its articles, being a very important reference in other national and international publications. This consolidation has made RMM a unique journal of its kind, integrating research groups with a long history of studying the country's mammals.

The Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología, nueva época is a biannual publication (june and december) and is Open Access, therefore it does not charge readers or their institutions for access to it. We invite users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of all published articles.

The Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología, nueva época by Instituto de Ecología, UNAM. It is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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Peer Review Process

The manuscripts will be submitted to an editorial process conformed by different stages.

 The manuscripts must be submitted to a preliminary evaluation made by the editor in chief and a committee, who will determine if the manuscript has the editorial requirements; in this stage a quick evaluation of the subject and writing will be done. If the publication requires modifications, the authors will be asked to make a new version. If the second version has the established editorial guidelines, two academic peers, experts in the discipline, will make a review, which will determine if the manuscript is suitable for its publication. In case of discrepancy between the reviewers, the manuscript will be sent to a third reviewer, whose decision will define the publication. The manuscripts will undergo a double-blind evaluation process, in which the authors do not know the evaluators and vice versa.

The result of the process will be reviewed by the associate editor and, based on the information, issues the recommendation or resolution to the authors. Manuscripts that are conditioned to make minor or major changes must fulfill with the evaluators recommendations before being considered for publication.

Open Access Policy

This journal has immediate open access to its content, under the principle of making published research freely available.

Authors who publish in RMM accept the following conditions:

In accordance with copyright law, RMM recognizes and respects the authors moral rights, as well as the ownership of property rights, which will be transferred —non-exclusively—­ to the journal for its dissemination in open access.

RMM does not charge authors for submitting and processing articles for publication.

All the texts published by RMM—without exception— are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which allows third parties to use the publications as long as they mention the authorship of the work and that it was first published in this journal.

The authors can make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in RMM, for example, include it in an institutional repository or make it known in other paper or electronic media, as long as it clearly indicates that the manuscript was published for the first time in RMM.

For all of the above, the authors must send the format of the letter of transmission of the economic rights of the first publication, duly required and signed, available at the following link:

Transfer letter of patrimonial rights

This magazine does not charge for publishing

The Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología, nueva época, will not charge any fee to its readers for subscription or to the authors for submitting, processing or publishing their articles.

Plagiarism detection

In the Revista Mexicana de MAstozoología, nueva época uses specialized software for detecting plagiarism IThenticate. The texts received will be submitted for review before sending them to an editorial and academic opinion, they will be rejected if the percentage of similarity with other text published or available on the internet exceeds 50%.

If the use of redundant or duplicate information is detected or suspected in a postulated text, the report generated from the IThenticate platform will be sent to the corresponding author.

Journal History

Since 1985, Revista Mexicana de Mastozoologia, has published uninterruptedly. During this time our journal has been through many great changes, such as its digitalization and new design. It has spread to other countries and is known in all parts of the world through new technologies and social networks. These great achievements are due to the group of editors, authors and readers of the journal.

RMM has been fundamental in the development of mammalogy in Mexico. From its beginnings it was established as a source for the dissemination of studies that, due to their local or regional nature, were not suitable for publication in international journals, but were essential for the scientific knowledge of mammals in Mexico. Inventories, new records, natural history and expanding distribution are some of those topics, so relevant in a national level, but unlikely to be published in magazines abroad.

In RMM, more than 90 articles and 140 scientific notes and 11 book reviews produced by 250 researchers (many of them students from 130 academic institutions) have been published. This demonstrates the need for a specialized magazine of a regional and national nature.