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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • General

    In RMM, researches on any aspect related to Mexican mammals are considered for publication, but preferably those that address issues of biodiversity, biogeography, conservation, ecology, distribution, inventories, natural and systematic history. Preference will be given to papers that present and discuss an original idea. All works will be reviewed by two reviewers. The manuscripts submitted to the journal can be in the form of cientific article, note and book review. Articles and notes should not exceed 20 and 8 pages respectively.

    Manuscripts should be sent to the general editor: Dr. Gerardo Ceballos, and/or to the editorial assistant: M. en C. Yolanda Domínguez, e-mail: revmexmasto@iecologia.unam.mx
  • Preparation

    The text must be in Word, the graphics in Excel and the maps in * .jpg, *png or * .tif format with a resolution of 300 dpi.

     Any manuscript that does not follow the editorial guidelines will be rejected.

  • Style

    We recommend to follow the editorial guidelines for manuscript preparation to submit to RMM and to check the recent issues of the journal. Preferably, manuscripts should be presented in Spanish, although manuscripts in English will also be accepted.
  • Abstract

    Articles must be accompanied by a summary in Spanish and in English. The summary should be a maximum of 3% of the text and written in a single paragraph. No references will be cited in the abstract and this should be informative of the results of the work, rather than indicative of the methods used.

    Abbreviated title

    All the manuscripts must be accompanied by an abbreviated title of no more than eight words.

    Key words

    A maximum of seven key words should be included to prepare the volume index, indicating subject, geographic region (state and municipality), order and species.

  • Figure legends

    Should be included at the end of the manuscript. The position in the final version should be indicated in the approximate area in the left margin of the text.


    Tables should be included on separate sheets and quoted using Arabic numerals. Each table will be cited in the text. The approximate position of the tables must be indicated in the text in the same way as the figures.


    Illustrations will be requested as follows: Graphics in Excel file, Maps, photographs or other illustrations in * .jpg or * .tif format at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

  • Literature

    Carefully follow the editorial guidelines. The names of the journals must be written completely, not abbreviated. Manuscripts in preparation cannot be cited, except for thesis or those works accepted for publication in a journal or book. Carefully check that all references cited in the text are in this section. In case that this list is not consistent with the text, the manuscript will be rejected.

  • Corrections and galley proofs

     Major corrections in the original manuscript will be sent directly to the correspondence author to modify them immediately and return the manuscript within 10 days to the editor in chief. Otherwise, the editor is not responsible for any changes not made. Once the galley tests are completed, no substantial changes or extensive modifications will be permitted in the manuscript.

  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Guidelines for the author, in About the magazine.

    To see the shipping specifications of your documents, review the extensive editorial standards in the current issue.

  • In the case of sending the text to the peer evaluation section, follow the instructions included in Ensuring an anonymous evaluation.


 In Revista Mexicana de Mastozoologia, nueva epoca, researches on any aspect related to Mexican mammals are considered publishable, although preference will be given to those that address issues such as biodiversity, biogeography, conservation, ecology, distribution, inventories, natural and systematic history, and that discuss an original idea. All manuscripts will be read by two experts according to the subject. The manuscripts submitted to the journal can be either cientific article, note and book review. Articles and notes must not exceed 20 and 8 pages respectively. Manuscripts can be submitted in Spanish and English. All contributions will pass through a preliminary review before being sent to specialists and must fulfill the editorial guidelines; if not followed, the process will not continue.


All the manuscripts must fulfill the following guidelines:


All manuscripts submitted to the journal must be double spaced, 12 points Times New Roman and sent in the latest Word version. A double-spaced separation must be added between paragraphs and have an initial indentation of 5 points, except for the first paragraph of each section. All margins, both lateral and superior and inferior must have 3 cm. The right margin of the text should not be justified and all the pages must be numbered in the upper right corner. Do not use a cover page, the first page must be where the summary begins. Italics will be used in scientific names, and statistical and mathematical symbols. The graphics must be sent separately. Graphics made in Microsoft Excel must be sent in the original file, and those made in statistical programs and images in * .jpg, *.png or * .tiff format must be presented in 300 dpi resolution.


Its position indicates the hierarchy corresponding to each part of the contribution and has different orders: headings appear only in articles and can be of three types: primary (bold, centered, and uppercase with accents), secondary (aligned to the left, in small caps and bold) and tertiary (aligned to the left, in upper and lower case and italics). Not all manuscripts need to include the three types of headings. Primary headings can only be included depending on the manuscript, for example: summary, introduction, area of study and methods, materials and methods, methods, results and discussion, results, discussion, discussion and conclusions, conclusions, acknowledgments, cited literature and appendix.

 Bibliographic references

The Harvard System of Referencing will be used for references. Below we present some examples according to the case:


When the research of a single author is cited, the surname and the year of the contribution will be added in parentheses.

 (Cervantes, 1990).


When there are two authors, the first surname of each one will be mentioned.

 (Jones and Smith, 1993).


If the citation corresponds to three or more authors, it will be done as in the first case, adding the Latin phrase et al. in italics and the year of publication.

 (Espinoza et al., 1985).


When several papers are cited at the same time, they will be ordered alphabetically and subsequently in chronological order separated by semicolons.

 (Figueira and Texeira, 1994; Prigioni et al., 1997; Ximénez, 1972).


When citing authors who have published more than one reference in the same year or are cited in the same way in the text, they will be differentiated with the letters a, b, c, placed immediately after the year of publication and will be added to the section of references of the contribution following the alphabetical order.

 (Ceballos et al., 1993a; Ceballos et al., 1993b)


When citing electronic version publications or Internet pages, the same format will be used.


In case of paraphrase, the year of publication must be in parentheses next to the author.

 According to Ceballos et al. (2017), the sixth mass extinction is more severe than previously thought.





 Must be in Spanish and English. It has to be brief and concise. It will be all in capital letters, except for the scientific names that will be written in capital letters the first of the genre, with its corresponding descriptors and must be in italics. It should be centered without end point.



Must be presented in hierarchical order regarding their degree of collaboration. The authors will include their full names, or as they want it to appear, they will be separated by commas and there will be no period at the end of this section. It must be centered and without academic degrees or job titles, without bold and capital letters. At the end of each name a progressive numerical subscript will be placed and in the address section will be indicated the institution of precedence with the full address and email. If all the authors belong to the same institution, only one index will be needed.



Articles must be accompanied by a summary in Spanish and one in English. The abstract should have a minimum length of 150 words and a maximum of 250 words; in the case of short notes, the summary must not exceed 75 words. No references will be cited in the summary and should inform about the results of the work, rather than the methods used. It must be written with the same font and size as the text and single spaced. If the manuscript is in English, the abstract will be placed first.


Key words

List up to 6 words in alphabetical order and separated by a comma. Capitalize only proper nouns. The key words must indicate subject, geographic region (state and municipality), order and species.



A clear justification for conducting the research with a stated hypothesis and objectives is required. The background should refer to recent bibliography, preferably of the last decade, except in cases where the manuscripts refer to descriptions or changes

in the current distribution of species.


Materials and methods

The procedures and methods used must be clear and brief specifying the units of measurement, the variables and the statistical treatment, so that the experiment and the analyzes can be repeated. It is mandatory to cite the bibliographic references of the described methods. Materials and equipment mentioned must include models, brands or patents. In case of collecting and catching individuals, permits must be indicated.


Study area

the study area must include a figure, north reference, projection, and grid reference.



The description of the results will consist of indicating the fundamental interpretation of the tables or figures without repeating the data described in them.



Tables should be included on separate sheets and quoted using Arabic numerals. Each table will be cited in the text. The approximate position of the tables must be indicated in the text in the same way as the figures.



Illustrations will be requested as follows: Graphics in Excel file, Maps, photographs or other illustrations in * .jpg, *.png or * .tif format at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.


Figure legends

Should be included at the end of the manuscript. The position in the final version should be indicated in the approximate area in the left margin of the text.


Measurements and mathematical notes

Use decimals instead of fractions. Numbers between one and nine must be written, except in series of numbers that include larger numbers (e.g. 1, 7 and 18 or three wolves and eight bears) or refers to units of measurement (e.g. 3 min, 8 days) or at the beginning of a paragraph. To mention weight or volume measurements or common units, use the abbreviations of the Internal System Units without end point (e.g.  20 kg, 30 km, 5 m, 2 ha) and when referring to time measurements use "h" for hours, "s" for seconds and "min" for minutes. Use commas to separate groups of three digits into amounts of thousands or more. A point will be used to indicate decimals (e.g. 3,000; 6,534,900; 1,425.32). Mathematical symbols used in equations and formulas can include the basic ones (+, -, X2, 1, <,>, =, *) and any other as long as it is properly defined in the section of methods. Always use the decimal metric system to indicate weights, distances, areas, volumes and use Celsius degrees for temperatures. The only exception to this guideline is the use of hectares (ha) that must be adopted whenever the indicated area is tens of thousands of square meters. Statistical terms like G, h, l, and other terms abbreviated by a single letter, may be used after the first time they are used. Terms that are abbreviated with multiple letters (e.g. anova) must be fully written and underlined.


Systematic treatment

The classification of all mammals mentioned in the manuscripts should be based on the work of Wilson and Reeder. The names must be in italics. After first mentioning them (e.g. Heteromys pictus), the generic name must be abbreviated (e.g H. pictus), except at the beginning of a paragraph or when there may be confusion with other species mentioned.



Consists on explaining the interpretation of the results based on adequate bibliographic citations, as well as in comparing the most relevant results with those of other authors who have presented similar works.



The results of the research should be briefly highlighted. Conclusions should only refer to the manuscript results and not consider other documents.



It will only be included if the author would like to give recognition to people or institutions that provided support for the development of the research. We urge authors to mention those institutions that financed their projects.



In this section the references must be in alphabetical order. The initials of the names and surnames of each author must be without spaces and with a period. In case of multiple quotes from the same author, thus should be arranged chronologically and if there are two equal dates belonging to the same author, they must be differentiated with the letters a, b, c. All Publication titles should be abbreviated. It is recommended to use the latin phrase et al. if a reference has more than three authors. Carefully check that all the references cited in the text are in this section and that are mentioned in the text. DOI codes, must be included when needed. If these requirements are not followed in the references the manuscript will be rejected.



Author(s), editors or organization. Year. Title. Volume and issue number. Publisher name and place of publication.


Campbell, N.A., L.G. Mitchell y J.B. Reece. 2001. Biología: conceptos y relaciones. 3a. ed., Pearson Education, México, D.F.

 Ceballos, G. y C. Galindo. 1984. Mamíferos silvestres de la Cuenca de México. Limusa. México, D.F.


Chapters in books

Chapter author(s). Year. Chapter title. Pages. Title of the book or journal. (Authors or editors). Publisher name and place of publication.


Tewes, M.E. y D.J. Schmidly. 1987. The Neotropical felids: jaguar, ocelot, margay, and jaguarundi. Pp. 695-712, in: Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America. (Novak, M., J.A. Baker, M.E. Obbard y B. Malloch, eds.). Ministry of Natural Resources. Ontario, Canadá.

 Ortega, J. y H.T. Arita. 2005. Lasionycteris noctivagans. Pp. 267-270, in: Los mamíferos silvestres de México. (Ceballos, G. y G. Oliva, coords.). Fondo de Cultura Económica-Conabio. México, D.F.


Journal articles

Author(s). Year. Title. Name of the journal volume (no number): pages.


Hernández-Silva, D.A., E. Cortés-Díaz, J.L. Zaragoza-Ramírez, P.A. Martínez-Hernández, G.T. González-Bonilla, B. Rodríguez-Castañeda y D.A. Hernández-Sedas. 2011. White-tailed deer habitat in the Huautla Sierra, Morelos, México. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie), 27:47-66.

 De la Torre J. A., J.F. González-Maya, H. Zarza, G. Ceballos y R.A. Medellín. 2017. The jaguar’s spots are darker than they appear: assessing the global conservation status of the jaguar Panthera onca. Oryx. [doi:10.1017/S0030605316001046]



Author(s). Year. Title. Degree, institution. Country. If the title has scientific names thus must not be in italics.


Bárcenas, R.H.B. 2010. Abundancia y dieta del lince (Lynx rufus) en seis localidades de México. Tesis de Maestría, Instituto de Ecología/Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


Conference proceedings

Author(s). Year. Title. pages: title of the conference. Date, publisher name. Place of publication.


Mac Swiney-González, M.C., S. Hernández-Betancourt y A.M. Hernández-Ramírez. 2010. Ecología del ensamble de pequeños roedores de la Reserva Ecológica El Edén, Quintana Roo. México. Pp. 71, en: X Congreso Nacional y I Congreso Latinoamericano de Mastozoología. 21 al 24 de septiembre de 2010, Guanajuato, México.



Law number and official name. Title of the publication in which it appears. Place of publication, Date (month and year).


Ley Núm. 20-388. Diario Oficial de la Federación. México DF, 18 de noviembre de 2008.



institution. Year. Title. Place of publication, Date of publication.


SEMARNAT (Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales). 2002. Norma Oficial Mexicana NO-MECOL-059-2001. Protección ambiental de especies nativas de México de flora y fauna silvestres- Categorías de riesgo y especificaciones para su inclusión, exclusión o cambio-Lista de especies en riesgo. Diario Oficial de la Federación, 6 de marzo de 2002.



Author(s). Year. Title. [website] edition or version (if needed), place of publication, editor. Available on: <link> [access date].

IUCN. 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species [Internet], Version 2011.1., Gland, Switzerland, International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Disponible en: <http://www.iucnredlist.org>. [Consultado el 16 de junio de 2011].


Computer programs

Author(s). Year. Title. edition or version, place of fabrication, editorial. Format.


Patterson, B.D., G. Ceballos, W. Sechrest, et al. 2007. Digital Distribution Maps of the Mammals of the Western Hemisphere, Version 3.0, Arlington, Virginia, USA, NatureServe. [CD-ROM].



Domínguez-Castellanos, Y. y E.M. Soroa-Zaragoza. 2011. Manual para citar correctamente referencias bibliográficas en revistas académicas. Tesina del Diplomado en Redacción Editorial y Cuidado de la Edición. Editorial Versal, Casa Universitaria del Libro–unam. México, D.F.

INIFAP.1999. Estructura y formato de las contribuciones a la revista. Ciencia Forestal en México, 24:23-39.

Martínez-López, V.M. 2008. Guía del autor. El proceso editorial y las normas para la presentación de originales. unam-crim. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.

Medellín, R.A., G. Ceballos y C. Equihua. 1995. Normas editoriales para someter manuscritos a la Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología. Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología, 1:84-93.