Bat inventory of the Cuevas de Talgua Natural Monument, Honduras

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David Josué Mejía Quintanilla
Juan Pablo Suazo-Euceda
Blanca Elena Moradel-Ortiz
Marcos Obdulio Sánchez
Allan Chacón
Erick Flores
Kevin Eligio Izaguirre-Mejía
Heber Jeancarlos Martínez Santamaria


Cuevas de Talgua Natural Monument, is a big opportunity to the bats conservation in Honduras. But the information about the species inhabit this zone is very poor. To increase the information about bat communities in Cuevas de Talgua, we did an inventory in the zone. We used capture technique with mist nets. Furthermore, we recorded with a SongMeter2. We identify eight species of bat. Carollia perspicillata was the species with more capture frequency. The sound record allows us to identify to Pteronotus mesoamericanus. Many of the species found in the area are of vital importance to the functioning of the dry forest. They fulfill the roles of seed dispersers and pest controllers. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the knowledge of the bats that inhabit the Cuevas de Talgua Natural Monument.

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