Mammals in two riparian forests of the pine savanna in the Honduran Moskitia

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Héctor Orlando Portillo Reyes
Fausto Elvir


We sampled the riparian forest in the Pine Savanna of Hondurans Moskitia using camera traps to register medium and large mammals in the region. The results indicate that these ecosystems are of great importance, being 17 species of medium and large mammals, grouped in 7 orders, 10 families, with a total registration number of 595 events. Species of importance for conservation are reported such as the jaguar (Panthera onca), the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), the jagüilla (Tayassu pecari), and the tapir (Tapirus bairdii). These forest works as corridor for many species associated with broadleaf forests, allowing the exchange and genetic flow between populations. The pine savannas of the Honduran Moskitia have an approximate area of 6,000 km2, includes 19 ecosystems; their geography contains small streams accompanied by riparian forest that extend throughout this region. These riparian forest also called creeks, make up an immense water network of approximately 4,771 linear km. There is few information of biodiversity in these ecosystems and how they work ecologically. It is necessary to continue monitoring and establishing strategies to conserve the pine savannas and riparian forests in order to maintain its benefits for the Miskito indigenous communities.


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