Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología (nueva época)

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024)
Published December 31, 2024
nueva época

Lepus altamirae is a species of hare, endemic to Mexico, inhabiting the coastal areas of Altamira, Tamaulipas. It is a species characterized by having lighter areas in its fur and lacking black spots on the tips of its ears, with well-defined white flanks. In this issue, a note is published reporting the sighting of six specimens, as well as recording traces such as footprints and excrement. Photo: Juan Cruzado.



We begin by receiving manuscripts for our first issue of 2024. You can send it either in the form of a research article, note or review.

In the coming weeks our page will be under maintenance so you will only be able to review and download articles from both the recent and previous issues. And the reception of the manuscripts will be done via email (

Remember that the deadline is May 13.

They can review the editorial guidelines


August 8, 2022


El uso de las lenguas indígenas en la nomenclatura científica de los mamíferos
José Adrián Cimé-Pool, Yariely del Rocío Balam-Ballote, Silvia F. Hernández-Betancourt

Artículos y Notas

Species diversity of bats in agricultural ranches, Campeche, Mexico
Sol de Mayo A. Mejenes-Lopez , Loira C. Gongora Julian, Juan C. Ku-Mijangos, Jorge A. Vargas-Contreras, Brigido M. Lee-Borges , Sarahí C. Baeza-Narváez , Fernando Ballina-Ortíz , M. Esther Cohuo-Ávila , Jorge Uco.Polanco, Emanuel Cu-Escamilla
Food habits of pleistocene horse (Equus conversidens) from San Mateo Huexouyucan, Tlaxcala and Villa deTezontepec, Hidalgo, Mexico
Luis Roberto Bonilla Toscano, Jesús Martín Castillo Cerón
pdf (Español (España))
Updated list of mastofauna of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México
Jesus Campos Serrano, Galo Ludwig Márquez Villalba, Salvador Gaona Ramirez, Beatriz Adriana Silva Torres
pdf (Español (España))
Bat diversity under different habitat conditions in Pantanos de Centla, Tabasco, Mexico
Victor Hugo Mendoza Saenz, Luis E. Villafuerte-Zea, José G. Colmenares-Nataren, Luis A. Cruz-Alfaro
Primer registro de jaguar (Panthera onca) para el estado de Aguascalientes, México
Gustavo Ernesto Quintero-Diaz, Carolina Chávez-Floriano, Jesus Pacheco, Roberto Roque-Lozano
pdf (Español (España))
Impact of fires on pine ecosystem and medium and large terrestrial mammals in Honduras
Hector Orlando Portillo-Reyes, Fausto Antonio Elvir Valle, Hermes Leonel Vega Rodríguez
New record of the Balsas mouse opossum (Tlacuatzin balsasensis) for central Mexico
Leopoldo Islas-Flores, Heliot Zarza, Gerardo Ceballos
pdf (Español (España))
Inventory in the dry season, of bats and small rodents from the western region of the Yucatan state, Mexico
José Adrián Cimé-Pool, Leonardo Guerrero-González, Alejandro Pacheco Moreno, Yariely del Rocío Balam-Ballote, Susana A. Cicero-Canto, Ermilo Humberto López-Cobá, Juan Manuel Pech-Canché
pdf (Español (España))
Nuevo record de altitud para la comadreja de cola larga (Neogale frenata) en México
Yury Glebskiy, Daniela Aimee Parra-Campos, Zenón Cano-Santana
pdf (Español (España))
New report of the Altamira jackrabbit Lepus altamirae in Altamira, Tamaulipas, México
Martínez-Ávila Martínez-Ávila, Juan Antonio Garcia Salas, Luis Francisco Ibarra-Sanchez, Erick Mauricio Velázquez-Castillo, Rubén Hever Zarate, Gabriel Alejandro Cruz-Reséndiz, Juan Cruzado-Cortés
pdf (Español (España))


Jorge Ortega, Mercedes Morelos, Juan Manuel Pech Canché
pdf (Español (España))

Lineamientos editoriales

Normas editoriales para contribuciones en la Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología, nueva época
Jorge Ortega, Mercedes Morelos, Juan Manuel Pech-Canché
pdf (Español (España))
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