Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024): nueva epoca
nueva epoca

Dipodomys spectabilis is the largest kangaroo rat. It is endemic to Mexico where it lives in arid grasslands and scrublands in the center and north of the country. It is a species that is characterized by its hind legs that are longer than the front ones and the brush-shaped tip of the tail covered with white hair. It is abundant in some regions such as the Janos Biosphere Reserve. In this issue an article is published on an altitudinal gradient of the reserve's rodents, where D. spectabilis coexists with two other species of the genus, D. ordii and D. merriami, all exclusive to the grasslands and shrublands of the reserve. Photo: Gerardo Ceballos.

Artículos y Notas

Diversidad de roedores en un gradiente de elevación desde pastizales a pinares en la ecorregión del desierto de Chihuahua en el noroeste de México
Gerardo Ceballos, Ganesh Marín, Jesús Pacheco, Jose Eduardo Ponce-Guevara, Rodrigo Sierra-Corona
Morphometric analysis of three species of Didelphis from Colombia
Pere Miquel Pares-Casanova
pdf (Español (España))
Diversity and conservation of wild mammals in the Janos Biosphere Reserve, Chihuahua, Mexico
Karen Gomez-Vieyra, Yolanda Domínguez-Castellanos
pdf (Español (España))
Presence of the mountain lion (Puma concolor) in the Azul Meambar National Park, Honduras
Sergio J. Midence López, Kevin Hernández, Riccy Lemus, Max Rodríguez
pdf (Español (España))
Distribution and new record of Mexican tropical porchupine (Coendou mexicanus) in a totonaca community in the Sierra north of Puebla, Mexico
Norma A, Monjarás-Vega, Ivan Alarcon-Duran, Roque Desion-Santiago, Azul M. Huerta-Rivera, K. Sulem Andrade-Guarneros, Yesenia Pacheco-Hernández, José María Cunill Flores
pdf (Español (España))
Noteworthy record of the great grison (Galictis vittata) in the Azul Meámbar National Park, Honduras
Sergio Midence López
pdf (Español (España))
Geographic range extension of the spiny pocket mice (Heteromys irroratus) in Chihuahua, México
Alejandro Gómez-Mantilla, Juan Cruzado-Cortés
pdf (Español (España))
First record of the red brocket deer (Mazama temama) from the Barranca de Metztitlan Biosphere Reserve, Hidalgo State, Mexico
Sergio Daniel Hernandez Flores, Guadalupe Vargas Licona, Guillermo Sanchez Martinez
pdf (Español (España))