Habitat use, population dynamics and reproductive seasonality of rodents in the otosino Highlands, Mexico

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Eric Mellink Bijtel


This work reports on the habitat preferences, population dynamics and reproductive seasonality of Perognatusflavus, Chaetodipus hispidus, C. nelsoni, C. penicillatus, Dipodomys ordii. D. merriami, Liomys irroratus, Reithrodontomys fulvescens, Peromyscus maniculatus. Onychomys arenicola and Sigmodon hispidus in association with three dry farming systems and their unfarmed neighboring areas and borders, in the San Luis Potosí Plateau, Mexico. lt was found that herbaceaous cover seemed to be the most important habitat characteristic. Rodents presented two different seasonal patterns: most had their highest populations during the summer. But some did so during the winter. Despite differences in population seasonality, all rodents had their highest reproductive rates during the summer, related in some form with the rainy season.

 Palabras clave: San Luis Potosí, México, roedores, dinámica poblacional.


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