Distribution update and notes on the three-toed sloth Bradypus variegatus castaneiceps (Pilosa: Bradipodidae) in Honduras

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Leonel Marineros
Hector Orlando Portillo Reyes


We present 15 new records for the brown three-toed sloth, Bradypus variegatus castaneiceps (Pilosa: Bradypodidae) in Honduras. These records confirm the existence of this specie in the departments of El Paraiso and Atlántida, and expand its geographical distribution from the watershed of the Rio Segovia (border with Nicaraguan) to along the Caribbean coast of Honduras. Additionally, we propose a potential spatial distribution of the specie based on the relationship between records and physiographic characteristics using the program MaxEnt. We document the presence of a juvenile in April 2013 and include a discussion of the common names of three-toed sloths in Honduras. We furthermore evaluate the position of this species on the List of Species of Special Concern and the qualification of its status as least concern (LC) in the IUCN Red List.

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