Records and potential distribution of the Honduran white bat (Ectophylla alba) in the Moskitia region, Honduras

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Hector Orlando Portillo Reyes
Jonathan Hernández
Tomas Manzanares
Fausto Elvir
Hermes Vega


Six new locations of the Honduran white bat, where rediscovered in Honduras. Historical and contemporary records were used for the potential distribution of the specie. The map indicates the Ectophylla alba is distributed mainly in the broadleaf forests of the Honduran Mosquitia, in the protected areas of Biosphere Reserve of Rio Plátano, the forests of Warunta, Mocorón and indigenous territories of Mabita and Rus Rus. The site is represented by the ecosystem evergreen broadleaf lowland tropical forest moderately drained and well drained. These broadleaf forests form a continuous corridor from northern of Biosphere of Rio Plátano to eastward broadleaf riparian forest and pine savannas of Mabita and Rus Rus with an area of approximately 4 775 Km2.

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