Records of the tayra (Eira barbara linneanus 1758) in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico

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Jonatan Job Morales García
Angel Daen Morales García
José Manuel Chame Cruz


In this note we present the first records of the tayra (Eira barbara Linneanus 1758) documented in two different places within the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. The first ocurred in 2013 in the southern part of the state, in the Sierra Otomi-Tepehua region within the Zicatlán town in the municipality of Huehuetla, when an individual was captured in a fragmented evergreen tropical forest. The second record was registred in 2014 through the identification of individuals in five photographs taken in the north of Hidalgo, in the Sierra Gorda cloud forest within the town of San Cristobal in the municipality of La Misión. New records confirm the presence of the tayra in Hidalgo and is evident that some areas of the state have suitable conditions for this species. The records ocurred north and south of the state, for this region gathers appropiate characteristics as a biological corridor for the species. We consider that due to their charateristics these areas are favorable as landscape to connect the northern and southern population of the species in central Mexico. Results suggest that it is necessary to increase the knowledge of this species distribution, in order to identify appropriate strategies for their conservation in Mexico.

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