Coahuila mammals

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Deborah V. Espinosa-Martínez
César A. Ríos-Muñoz
Noé González-Ruíz
José Ramírez-Pulido
Livia León-Paniagua
Joaquín Arroyo-Cabrales


The state of Coahuila is located in northern Mexico, sharing its boundary  with the state of Texas, usa. Available literature was reviewed to evaluate the mammals known from that state.  Eight orders, 24 families, 64 genera, and 106 species are currently known for the state, with 19 endemic species for the country and one of these for the state. Most diverse orders are Rodentia (47 species), Chiroptera (28), and Carnivora (17), similar to the World trend; there are 41 taxa described based on specimens collected at the state. Regarding the species distribution, most of the species have Nearctic affinities (85), rather than Mesoamerican (12) or Neotropical (9). Eighteen species are listed within either national or international conservation lists. We have considered five species disappeared or extirpated, while only two of these have been reintroduced in the state.

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