Population density and damage caused by the squirrel Sciurus aureogaster: implications for the conservation of nurseries in Coyoacán, Mexico

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Patricia Mora–Ascencio
Ángeles Mendoza–Durán
Cuauhtémoc Chávez


The Mexican red squirrel (Sciurus aureogaster), but is a species native to central Mexico, was introduced in the Viveros de Coyoacan mid twentieth century and has since been habituated to human presence. In this paper we estimate the density of gray squirrels in the Viveros de Coyoacan, we describe patterns of activity over a year and quantify the damage occurring in the park trees. To estimate population density, visual counts were performed by transect and quadrant. Activity patterns were evaluated in the transects. The damage was assessed according to the cause and the tree species in 12 plots of 400 m² and 13 points on a path chosen at random. We found relatively high population densities, an average of 5.9 to 6.5 inds. / ha according to the methods of transect and quadrant, respectively. With these data, we estimate between 254 and 270 squirrels in the park. They have two activity peaks, one in the morning and one before sunset. Just over half (52%) of trees sampled (346) had some type of damage and of these 80% were damaged by vandalism and pruning, and the remaining 20% by squirrels. These results show that it is important that campaigns be conducted to avoid the squirrels food supplement and / or other species and that a training program to make a proper pruning of trees and thus prevent further damage.

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