Remains of small mammals in the Janos Chihuahua Biosphere Reserve

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Juan Cruzado
Jesús Pacheco
Gerardo Ceballos


The barn owl (Tyto alba) is considered the terrestrial bird with the largest distribution in the world, therefore its feeding habits vary throughout that range. This owl is also found in Mexico, so this article reviewed a total of 307 pellets in two locations, “Rancho Ojitos” and “Ampliación Casa de Janos”, both locations are within the Janos Biosphere Reserve in Chihuahua. A total of 420 identifiable remains of their prey were found, which are represented by 2 orders, 4 families and 18 species of small mammals. “Rancho Ojitos” was the only locality where remains of birds were found that represented 2.4% of total abundance. In the registered and analyzed pellets of the locality of “Rancho Ojitos”, where the riparian and mesquite vegetation are found, there were 250 identifiable bones that belong to 17 species and that show the presence of bony remains of rodents that have a lower weight than 10 gr, which represents 49% of the preys. While in “Ampliación Casa de Janos”, where the pastureland is located, 170 identifiable bones of 13 species of rodents with a weight greater than 50 gr representing 55% of the prey were found. The mouse species most consumed at both sites was the silky pocket mouse (Perognathus flavus), representing more than 20% of the total. In the parallel study to evaluate the diversity and abundance in the same sites, a lower diversity was registered, so alternative methods such as the analysis of the pellets allow to have a greater knowledge about the biological diversity of a determined region, especially about the presence of certain species that are cryptic and because of the sampling mode do not manage to be registered.

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