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Ailen Dumont
Natividad Olmos de Aguilera-Díaz
Valeria Zamora Politis
Ítalo García Urrutia
Byron Cristian Guzmán Marín


The cougar (Puma concolor) is considered a species of least concern according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); however, it has been little studied in some areas of its geographical distribution, so there is little or no information on aspects of interest of this carnivorous mammal in these territories. In this note we contribute to its knowledge in Chile through camera trap results, documenting the first record in the commune of Putaendo. Two camera traps were installed in the study area, which remained active for eight months and through which the audiovisual record of an individual could be obtained. This record opens new questions about the reasons why an individual makes its way into areas that were not considered part of its distribution. It also allows us to consider whether this displacement was occasional or if it is an expansion and colonization of new habitats, since it is a sighting close to human populations and domestic livestock, and taking into account similar cases, there is the possibility that generate puma-human conflicts, being of vital importance to apply preventive conflict mitigation techniques.

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