Potential distribution of jaguar habitat and areas of human-jaguar conflict in the Yucatan Peninsula.

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Cuauhtémoc Chávez Tovar
Heliot Zarza Villanueva


The Mayan Forest of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, maintain an of the most important populations of jaguar (Panthera onca) north of his distribution. However, the region is subject to big changes in this forest coverage because of the human and agriculture-livestock development of the last years. This has caused a reduction in the habitat of the jaguar and therefore an increase in the incidence of attacks to the domestic livestock by jaguars, because of this is necessary to have solid information on the areas of human-jaguar conflict to be considered during the management plans and conservation to regional level. Our analysis based in a group of variable (vegetation, use of soil, precipitation and climate) and a base of georeference data so much of presence of jaguars and of livestock depredation in the Yucatan Peninsula. We showed the possibility of model the potential distribution of the places of human-jaguar conflict using the method of maximum entropy (MaxEnt). Between the variables used the vegetation showed to be the variable than better explains the potential distribution of the jaguar. Instead, the model of human conflicts-jaguar show that the main number of cases of depredation present around the human settlements, in landscape dominated by human activities. Modeling the potential distribution of the areas of human-jaguar conflict- offers a big opportunity to the biologists of the conservation and decisions-makers to can design regional strategies to mitigate the conflict with the predatory with base in the spatial distribution potential of the attacks. 

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