Population ecology of the mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) from the desert in Nuevo Huitrón and Cedral, Sierra Mojada, Coahuila, Mexico

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Elvia López-Pérez
Isela Jiménez-Pérez Jiménez-Pérez
José E. Hernández-Martínez
Baldomero Ramos-Peña
Rufino López Ordaz


The mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) is a cinegetic species appreciated and demanded by the inhabitants of the Mapimi Biosphere Reserve. The objective of this study was to estimate the density and structure of the population by age and sex (DP), habitat characterization (CH), and the vegetation cover (VC), for the protection and conservation of the mule deer in the ejidos Nuevo Huitrón and Cedral from Sierra Mojada, Coahuila. Population density was determined by counting fecal groups in transects, while the herd structure and the determination of the sexes were estimated through the collection of feces. The DP was 0.085 ± 0.037 in 2012 and was higher (P < 0.05) than 0.046 ± 0.014 deer per km2 in 2011, and between ejidos (P > 0.05). Likewise, there were differences (P > 0.05) between months. The developmental fecal groups in 2011 were 74, 74 and 15 deer km2 classifieds as juvenile, female, and male; while in 2012 they were 12, 27 and 11 deer km2. Sexes and ages were not (P > 0.05) different between years. The vegetation analysis showed that the ejidos have an VC of 60 species. The two vegetal species more important due to abundance were Larrea tridentata and Euphorbia antisyphilitica. In conclusion, the mule deer population was low in the Nuevo Huitrón compared to Cedral in 2012. The conservation of species of high nutritional value and the diversity of the vegetation suggest that the two sites have forage resources with the potential to maintain populations greater than those founded in the two years of study.

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