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Héctor Portillo-Reyes
Fausto Elvir Valle


The puma (Puma concolor) is the most widely distributed felid on the American continent. It is found in a variety of habitats throughout its distribution, which ranges from sea level to 5,800 masl. Currently, its exact distribution and populations are unknown in Honduras. Its conservation status according to the International Union for Conservation Nature (IUCN) is of least concern (LC). According to the proposed red list of threatened species in Honduras, the puma is endangered (EN), with populations in decline. The main threats to this species are the loss of habitat, its hunting, and that of its prey. It is assumed that the hunting of puma occurs in retaliation for attacks on cattle and horses, as well as on smaller domestic species of farmyards and pets. The persecution of felines is the second most important threat after the loss of habitat due to agriculture. Its potential distribution was modeled for Honduras, and the results show that 40% maintain conditions of its distribution; however, more than 50 % is represented by agricultural systems, pastures, and crops. It is of the utmost importance to integrate all the actors involved in its conservation in an active and participatory manner, from local communities to ranchers, in addition to investigators, universities, and NGO´S. It is urgent to establish systematic and sustainable monitoring for pumas that includes protected areas, biological corridors, as well as unprotected sites to verify and confirm their possible distribution in the country. The conservation of the population of pumas depends on visualizing and defining with precision its geographical distribution.

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