Large and medium-sized mammals in Chismuyo Bay Honduras. A conservation alert: ¿what do model occupancy and detection tell us?

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Hector Orlando Portillo-Reyes
Fausto Elvir
David Mejia
Milena Berrocal


During the months of January and February 2018, a study was conducted using camera traps in the mangrove and tropical dry forest in Chismuyo Bay. The data obtained were analyzed to know the occupancy and detection probabilities of large and medium mammals along Chismuyo Bay, Honduras. Total sampling effort was 630 camera nights, with a record of 10 mammal species being: Herpailurus yagouaroundi, Canis latrans, Tamandua mexicana, Procyon lotor, Didelphis virginiana, Spilogale angustifrons, Sylvilagus floridanus, Odocoileus virginianus, Didelphis marsupialis and Mephitis macroura. The analyses indicate low occupancy (Ψ) and detection (p) for each of the species recorded in Chismuyo Bay, Gulf of Fonseca, Honduras. The populations of large and medium-sized mammals are in a critical situation, and it is urgent to take immediate conservation measures for their protection. Systematic monitoring should be established to provide a better perspective on the trends of large and medium-sized mammal populations in Chismuyo Bay.

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