Anomalous record in the distribution of the old-faced bat Centurio senex (Chiroptera: Mammalia)

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Enrique Q. Uhart
Juan Carlos López-Vidal


Wrinkled-faced bat, Centurio senex, belong to the family Phyllostomidae, are small to medium size, color variable but usually yellowish brown, each presenting a shoulder patch of white hair in the wing membrane areas have translucent skin, usually perches under the leaves on trees to the weather. Centurio senex is distributed throughout in the Neotropics, in evergreen forests, rain forests, and in lowland deciduous. On December 8, 2002 was a Centurio senex specimen was found in the municipality of Nezahualcoyotl, Col. Bosques de Aragón, Mexico State. Was found dead, raising a eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus sp.) We report here the presence of C. senex in the State of Mexico, this record is completely atypical, since these fruit bats live in tropical forest, and was probably brought to the area in a fruit cargo from a tropical region. 

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