Mammals of the Lagunas de Montebello National Park, Chiapas, Mexico

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Anna Horvath
Roberto Vidal López
Rausel Sarmiento Aguilar


In this paper we summarize the information available on diversity of mammals in the Lagunas de Montebello National Park, Chiapas, Mexico, including data about the local distribution by vegetation types, geographical affinity by their distribution ranges and conservation status. Data were obtained by captures and observations in the field, and were completed with bibliographical as well as data-base information. 52 species of native mammals were recorded, arranged in seven orders, 18 families and 41 genera. This species richness constitutes the 11.2% of terrestrial mammals of Mexico and the 25.2% of the mammal diversity of Chiapas. The 58% of the species are new records for the Park and the orders with more representation are Rodentia, Chiroptera and Carnivora. The more diverse families are Muridae and Phillostomyidae while the most species genera were Peromyscus and Reithrodontomys.  The fauna of mammals of Montebello shows a Neotropical affinity and represents a high portion of Mesoamerican mammals including two Mexican endemic species. The most diverse community was encountered in the tropical mountain rainforest, showing a high association between species and the vegetation types. The mammals of Montebello have a relatively little representation in the different lists of conservational status due to the recently local extinctions of species from the area.

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