Comparative study of the patterns of altitudinal richness of species in mastofaunas of Mexican mountainous areas

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David Monteagudo Sabaté
Livia León Paniagua


A comparative study of the mastofauna diversity of five Mexican mountain units (Sierra de Juárez, El Cielo Biosphere Reserve, Sierra Gorda, Sierra de Atoyac de Álvarez, and La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve) was established, based on sampled altitudinal transects. in each one of them. Bats and rodents were the orders richest in species in all cases, except in the La Sepultura Reserve, where the great abundance of carnivores stood out in all habitats. The coincidence of the general patterns of richness for mammals in the different mountains was observed, with a decrease in the number of species with altitude, a trend more marked in the flying groups. Likewise, the similarity between the mammal faunas of the different units was analyzed, and at a first level (physiographic units) a greater similarity was observed between the faunas with components belonging to the Atlantic slope and Chiapas, which were grouped together according to relationships of geographical proximity, the furthest from the others being the mammal fauna of the Sierra de Atoyac de Álvarez, on the Pacific side, which was the poorest in species. At another level of study, the groupings between all types of vegetation, altitudinal intervals, in the set of mountainous areas were analyzed. A more complex situation was obtained, where the importance of the altitudinal factor stands out over the specific physiographic unit, and a division is observed between the Pacific and Atlantic slopes.

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